Friday, 14 November 2014

A video with Koalas

This is a short video of you Koalas,
During your recess and when you work together in class.
The song is "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" and "In the Merry Old Land of Oz" (The songs we will sing for the Closing Ceremony).

Enjoy it!

I love you all Koalas,
Miss Laura

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Counting by TENS - 10

Dear Koalas,

We have learned to count by 10's

Remember that these numbers finish with the sound "-ty"

What's this number?



Great! Let's practise

Counting by 2's


Here so stuff for you to practise what we have learned in school so far!

Remember we can count 2 by 2 with ODD and EVEN numbers!
Practise here! Complete the chart!

Good job!